Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Just Trust & Have Faith

We do not always know what the future holds. Even the most psychic, the most intuitive of us must simply trust what is in our hearts and move from there. It can be hard to have faith, sometimes, that everything is working out for the best. Our ego gets triggered! We want long term assurances about our lives. We want to see the path from here to the north pole! However, when the future is pressing in and you feel confused or paralyzed with indecision, just remember to look in your heart for the step right in front of you.

Do you know that saying, "It's in God's hands?" This is the reminder that if we try to carry all of the burdens of everyone around us, without recognizing our need to just trust and have faith, we will be buried in stress. Likewise, we each have a significant amount of our own fear and burden. If we choose to keep it bundled within, refusing to share it with the appropriate loved ones, or if we forget that we are connected to the resources of the vast universe around us, then we will also be buried. Receive the unseen support of the world around you.

Trusting and having faith are not exactly passive. We must still take action. We must still live as fully as possible based on the truths we unearth within. However, to have faith is to relinquish the core of our fears--to let go of inadequacy and improbability--and to believe that in this fully connected world of ours, everything we need will be provided. Again, give up your deepest fear! Believe that in the end, the most beautiful vision possible is being woven through the threads of your precious life!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Prince Siddharta & the Quest for Enlightenment

Prince Siddharta & the Quest for Enlightenment

Once upon a time there was a prince named Siddharta. He was so beloved by his parents that he grew up surrounded by wealth and shielded from all forms of life that might cause pain or discomfort. He was given everything a young prince could desire, never knowing the stress of illness, old age, or death.  

One day an old woman made it through the doors of the palace courtyard, and when Siddharta saw her advanced age, and the pain she suffered in her weakened, swollen limbs, he was so deeply moved by his sense of powerlessness and compassion that he vowed to find an end to all forms of suffering. (In other words, he had a mid life crisis).

Renouncing the wealthy, indolent life in which he had been raised, Siddharta began his epic journey, the journey of the historical Buddha, to seek and find the meaning of life, and put an end to suffering. He soon came to understand that everyone went through the phases of birth, age, illness, and death, and that this cycle of suffering was inescapable as long as people were in human form.

Siddharta, in his travels, mastered several metaphysical gifts as he developed his internal and external understanding of the laws of life. He inadvertently created new religions and offshoots of buddhism through his inspiring exploits,  and eventually realized that the healthy desire for life, for love, and connection were just as inescapable as death. He saw that as long as we were alive, we would be a part of the wheel of cause and effect created by our desires, and that because of this, desire could be a source of great suffering.

What if, instead of renouncing all desire, we learned to walk a middle path somewhere between desire and detachment? What if we realized that our desires revealed our inner natures? What if we used these revelations of self-knowledge to master the suffering caused within our own minds, thus allowing us to experience the life and death, cause and effect, with peace, and joy?

Siddharta preached these, and many other insights throughout his life, eventually developing such a life force of compassion and all-seeing wisdom that he went into a state of paranirvana, where he became everything and nothing at once. (Think: Yoda in Star Wars)

Before he did so, he reminded his sangha--his community in faith-- that all things perish, and that even angels and gods of the other realms were caught in the same karmic cycles of desire, cause, and effect. He enjoined his followers to follow no-one, and instead to master their own minds of suffering through personal understanding and empowerment. 

Having walked many different paths and learned many different systems of belief himself, Siddharta reminded his fellows to see enlightenment in all beings, and not to judge or slander others for the paths they might choose to take.

Reliquaries and monuments were made in his honor, and within 600 years of his death, many of the verbal spiritual traditions he had stimulated were codified by written word. Would he have approved of these written texts, this man who loved to sit in circles beneath trees and share in heart to heart dialogue? We do not know, but Siddharta himself says he is always here, waiting to reveal the law to anyone who will listen, for his is the spirit of the Buddha, a human spiritual quality of inquiry and curiosity about the nature of life that we all carry within.

His stories about his many lives were told as Jatakas across Southeast Asia, and continue to unfold in living form as modern day avatars, mystics, and seekers journey out on their own path of life discovery.

Perhaps Siddharta is even alive in top 40s pop artists like Daft Punk, whose lyrics in "Get Lucky" begin quite philosophically: "Like the legend of the phoenix, All ends with beginnings, What keeps the planet spinning, The force of love beginning."

We must all age, experience challenges, and die, but in our wisdom heart of love, we can renouce suffering and replace it with true happiness.

The End! (Or is it? haha)


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Just Love!

I posted this on Facebook (join us!) but I thought I'd share it here too:

Why are people so stingy with the word love? Do not be stingy with Love. Share your love with everyone, and let them know that this is what you are doing. Name it!

Say I love you to the world around you without worrying about how it is taken, what interpretations will be attached, or what "kind" of love you are "negotiating."

Just Love!

Pour it on the crowns of your tribe like water into cracked earth.

Watch fear and resistance give way beneath your lathing of unfettered Love.

Give up your attachments to what you will receive in return for loving.

Just Love!

Most importantly, begin by loving yourself in this way, whispering songs of Love to your longing soul, teaching yourself not to judge love, but to receive it with your whole heart.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Indigo And Crystal Children

This week’s oracle card is INDIGO AND CRYSTAL CHILDREN from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Deck. We get to spend another week with the illuminating energies of Metatron! This time he tells us, “You have a bond with children. In particular, you can help children who are sensitive.”

It took me quite a while to understand the special gifts of this card and its messages. Even as a mother of a very psychic and intelligent child (who some may call a Rainbow child), I sometimes pull this card in the midst of things and wonder, “What does this have to do with me?” Likewise, I feel particularly guided to point out that if you are childless, or even privately quite averse to children and their joyfully chaotic vibrations, you may be thinking, “This post is not for me!” But the angels were very clear that this is a big message for all of us to sit with at this time.

First, there is a big misconception that you must be young or born in a certain window of years to be classified as one of these special Indigo or Crystal Children. In fact, though increasing numbers of these children are being born, there have been some in each generation, often characterized by the patterns, vibrations, and colors found in their energy fields at a very young age.

Indigo Children often have energy fields of a vivid royal or dark purple. As a young child, I was always told when I attended psychic fairs, “You are very psychic. You have a completely purple auric field. You will do much in the field of metaphysics.” Being a typical kid, I though this was pretty general, and I was thrilled, but didn’t really understand how the intuitive sensitivities I had then could compare the the structured way that consulting psychics worked.

Still, I was an Indigo Child, and many of you reading are--or know of--other Indigos who may not even be aware that this is a part of their auric blueprint. Many Indigos feel deeply called to teach or be activists in fields that affect the earth, the community, or spiritual well-being. The primary difference between young Indigos and adults are that many of the young ones seem to be coming into this world with a clearer sense of their missions in tact, and with more resources at this time that even two decades ago. As a result, their intuitive abilities tend to be more refined at a much earlier age.

Crystal Children have auras of pure white light, and when seen through spirit eyes look like angels come down to earth (Earth Angels--that’s another topic!). Many crystal children are extremely sensitive because they are vibrating at a rate of such white light that more earthbound concerns, decisions, and base needs may not make sense to them at all. They see situations first from a compassionate light-filled perspective and may struggle to make the decisions that would resonate as “smart” for the rest of the population.

Crystal Children often choose whatever life paths will most help them illustrate for others the importance of living from the virtue of love, the power of taking the high road, and the innate wisdom of choosing life and global eco-consciousness over materialistic survival patterns. While Indigo Children could be angry that we pollute the earth and take it as their personal missions to teach a new way of being, Crystal Children are busy building and living in the earth-friendly permaculture eco-domes so that others know where to go.

While Indigo Children are working in a lab to create earth-healthy fuels, or in spiritual centers teaching others how to clear out toxic energy patterns, Crystal Children are in society living the example of these future forward ways, and may be seen as either on the fringes, or embraced as a geniuses depending on how they are positioned in society.

There is another category of modern day child and that is the RAINBOW Children. These children are coming in with very high vibrational DNA patterns that are allowing them to make the social, emotional, physical and spiritual shifts in minutes that it has taken many of us lifetimes to master. They are here to permanently shift the vibrational patterns of the earth through the next generation in order to hold the anchor of light needed for the earth to keep growing healthfully for generations to come.

Rainbow children are a pleasure to be around and seem to constantly open our eyes to practical ways of introducing more love into our lives. They have strongly balanced auras radiating all colors, and often seem to attract lights, rainbows, and other high vibing phenomena.

Because of the energetically sensitive nature of these children, they are sometimes more sensitive to the harsh dictatorial vibrations of our past childrearing ways. Yelling at these children rings similar chords within their core being as abuse, even though they are not being abused by common standards of the definition.

These children are easier to reason with, but may take more time and energy, which means as parents it is even more important to develop self-care and nurturing routines that allow parents of these children to live and teach with grace. These children are also more likely to be medically diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, or other medical terms that are often used as labels when we see certain symptoms and lack clarity around exact cause. Regardless of diagnosis, if you are--or have--an Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow child, then Now is the time to recognize the deep calling you have made to earth stewardship.

Earth stewardship is not only about caring for the physical health of the planet--it begins by learning how to care for the human population that inhabits and often decimates it. It is time to wake up to your calling to heal life. You don’t have to use psychic abilities, or live as an activist in a tree! We all have unique ways that we express our healing, nurturing nature. There is a postal worker in my town who has, through simple acts of compassion and consciousness, literally altered the educational pathway of my son (who may be a Rainbow child). When we are engaged consciously in the work in front of us, we all awaken our innate potential for massive-scale instantaneous healing of ourselves and those around us.

These child designations are not meant to be used to hierarchically categorize or glorify ourselves and others. It could be easy to take on these designations as labels of privilege, claiming special powers or insights because we are Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, etc. However, if we do this, we lose sight of the greater mission and purpose behind the work, which is to educate and serve a growing community of people who can release the trappings of power-over types of privilege for a new paradigm of love, support, and creative co-thriving existence. At best, we might embrace these designations with healthy pride as a way of identifying our purpose for others, and attracting a like-minded group of individuals who can understand the challenges and gifts that may come with being Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow influenced. At best, we can use these designations to gather a community that can share wisdom about how our sensitive future children can lovingly be raised.

We all have great missions and epic adventures awaiting us. I have seen people go through phases of intense indigo awakening, or crystaline awareness, though perhaps they were not born Indigos or Crystal children. I have seen people who are combinations of these and others. There are root people who live deeply immersed in the elemental vibrations of sensory experience in order to anchor our shared human energy field in earth consciousness, and others who carry the gifts of unique vibrational essences specifically in the service of others. I hope you’ll take from this that, regardless of how your aura shines, you have a calling and must awaken to what it is.

Right now, we are creating the future. The little kids you see running around will shape the world you are living in, in another 10 or 20 years. Even those of us who have never been fond of children, or who have decided never to rear are own, are being called to recognize the profound importance of listening to, learning from, and co-existing with the children who walk among us. Break down any walls of emotional resistance or apathy, and learn how to love both your inner child, and the children on your neighborhood block!


Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Oracle: Surrender

Dailey's Thoughts: Surrender CAN Be Easy

The word for the week is Surrender. If you have been holding on to relationships that don’t serve you, working yourself to death in commitments that don’t resonate for you, or making promises you don’t truly want to keep, this is the week to let them go. Let them all go. All of them.

Surrender is not passive. Maybe at one time, it was a passive act, the act of simply not doing. In this age, however, we have been so deeply programmed to do, to act, to be, that surrender sometimes requires a crowbar in order to unhook those tightly fisted hands. When you surrender, you give yourself over to something. This is the week to give yourself over to the force of Love. Surrender to your own higher knowing. If you are Christian, surrender to God. If you are Athiest, surrender to your inner wisdom. If you are Pagan, surrender to the rhythms of the Earth and the spirits who have your happiness in mind. If you are Buddhist, surrender to your Dharma, to your Way. If you are pan-religious, surrender to all of these things. Whatever your beliefs, surrender to Love.

When you love yourself wholly, you won’t remain in relationships that shut you down. When you love yourself, you won’t work to death for commitments that don’t resonate. Instead you will make space for the commitments you love, and find ways for them to feed and inspire you as well. When you love yourself, you won’t make promises just to please others. Instead, you will learn how to communicate what you need, and what you can healthfully give.

Sometimes we love and value others more than ourselves, so we do mental (and sometimes physical) gymnastics in order to protect others, make them happy, or prove how much we can love. But we have to give just as much love to our own being. We don’t always realize where we’re being contortionists for others, to the detriment of our own selves (that also need our self-love).

This week, you may feel those insights beginning to creep in. You may begin to notice where you’ve been holding too tightly to things because they are your comfortable security blanket. And this week, this is the very best time to surrender. Give up the blanket. Open the fists. Soften your death grip. Realize that everywhere in your life where you are resonating in love and in harmony, you will continue to receive those gifts and benefits. What does not serve you will fall away. All you have to be willing to do, beginning today, is to Surrender. Give yourself over to Love, wherever or however it may appear in your life.

If you’re trying to hold on to old patterns that need to be released, you’ll recognize it if you sit still and ask yourself honestly, “Does this serve my highest good? My ultimate happiness? My life purpose?” Where the answer is no, *let go*.

When and where you surrender, you make space for incredible blessings to rush in and create new value, new life experiences, and new growth.

Where you have surrendered, your mind will create new mindsets, new programs that will help you take positive actions toward your dreams.

Surrender, surrender, surrender.



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Heart Illumination

Dailey's Thoughts: Heart Illumination

This weekend was the fall equinox, a time traditionally celebrated as the equal balance between night and day. From here, we tip slowly into darkness, culminating at the longest night before Winter Solstice hails the return of the sun. I often feel most active during the darkening part of the year. School starts up, holidays slam us with staccato rhythm, and the dark nights lend an air of mystery and introspection for those willing to settle into stillness.

I have said this many times before: The heart illuminates. In the darkest night, we have a heart that will show us the way. We may not be able to see the way forward with our eyes, or think our way through challenges, but if we trust the wisdom of our heart, life unfolds gracefully.

I believe this happens because in each of our hearts, we have an invisible bridge directly to creative source. You may call that Universal Life Force, God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Inner Knowingness--whatever you call it, is the ever flowing source of energy that spins the threads of life. Through this heart bridge, we receive energy, hope, and light with which to see our way forward.

We all have deep longings. In some of us they are buried so deep they are almost forgotten. This fall, I challenge you to uncover those longings, and to admit them to yourselves. I challenge you to allow that beautiful heart of yours to shine forth and highlight the path you need to take.

Sometimes you just won’t see the way forward until you start walking. Opportunities may look non-existent. The answers to your prayers may seem out of reach. But the moment you step forward on faith and begin to move, determined to succeed with your intuitive heart leading the way, doors will begin to open.

They may not always be the doors you were hoping for. However, they will be the right doors, and you will recognize them by a feeling of lightness in your heart. You will recognize the right opportunities by a feeling ofYesness in your guts.

But to get there, you have to listen to your heart. Listen to the feelings in that part of your body. To get there, you have to be willing to act upon those feelings and know that you will be met by the universe.

As we descend into the darker time of year, claim your deep inner truths and desires. Recognize them so that you can work with them and integrate them into your life, much like Persephone traveling into the darkness to claim her crown as Queen of the Underworld for six months of the year. Whether you view the darkness or the underworld as scary or adventurous all depends on outlook. If you believe in the power of your own heart to illuminate all matters, you’ll have a blast!


PS: If you are not sure how to listen to your heart, you're welcome to come in for a session and we'll look at what may be blocking you.  If you have special ways for how you to listen to your heart, please share them below so we can all benefit! :-)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Angel Oracle of Peace

Dailey's Thoughts: Angel Oracle of Peace
This week's oracle card comes from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Deck: PEACE. 

Archangel Chamuel says: “Peace comes from remembering that only love is real.”

One day earlier this year, my five year old son came up to me and said, “Mom! This is important. Love is REAL.” He said it emphatically as if it was something critical I mustn’t forget. His timing was profound. I’d spent much of my early life treating love like a commodity that should be dealt out only to worthy people, loved ones who’d earned their right to stand in my inner circle. Although I’d realized years ago that this was a fallacy--that in fact there is enough love within us to share with the whole world, and that love is a healing balm we all need, and that we needn’t be so scared of saying those three words--I believe it may be a lifetime process of shedding old conditioning to learn deeper ways of being in a state of love, and of honoring it wherever we see it.

Sometimes we don’t know what is Love or what is Passion. Sometimes we get confused about whether we are being loving when we have to hold our boundaries and say no to things that, in our hearts we might want, but for our well being would not be good. Sometimes love comes knocking on our doors but we are so afraid, we give it a good set-down and tell ourselves we're just infatuated, or we tell ourselves a million reasons why we--or others--are not worthy of our loving attention.

Archangel Chamuel is here to remind us that these are all acts that stem from deep fear. We are afraid we will lose our dignity, our pride, our health, our chance, our luck, our autonomy, etc. Chamuel reminds us that love is a connective force, and that if we surrender our fear, then love is what is left, and in that deep well of love, we’ll find peace.

Some say that when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, Chamuel was one of the Archangels that was there to help them out. As they awakened to self-awareness, all sorts of fears were born. They found themselves at the beginning of a great adventure in trying to reconnect with the loving state of Oneness that they’d forgotten. Of trying, in essence, to remember that All is Love, and thus shame and fear and just illusions. Chamuel helps us to connect in with that same state of inner remembrance, helping us to reconnect parts of ourselves within, where needed, and to have faith in the opportunities for Love that present themselves within our lives.

We all have situations in which we are uncertain about what’s real and what isn’t. This may be a new opportunity that fills us with excitement, but is just enough outside of our comfort zone to also incite a little bit of fear. This week you may encounter a situation that seems too good to be true, or a challenge that puts you on edge so that your regular peace of mind is not intact. If you find yourself quietly frustrated, disempowered, or simply confused about the reality of things, call upon the loving, grounding energy of Chamuel.

Chamuel says (via Doreen Virtue), “Look past the surface of this situation and see the underlying truth: that everyone involved is a child of God filled with love. By focusing upon this truth, you elicit loving behavior and solutions. Even though appearances may seem otherwise, trust that a higher wisdom is in charge. Love is the only power that exists, and its light shines away any seeming darkness. Hold the intention to look for examples of this light within yourself and others, and you’ll have more light in your mind, heart, thoughts, and life. This knowledge is the foundation of peace.”

Believe in the power of love to heal yourself and others.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Angel Oracle: Life Review

Dailey's Thoughts: Angel Oracle of Life Review

This week's timely card, "Life Review," comes from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle. Archangel Jeremiel asks us to “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”

For a long while, this card always seemed to come up when I was in the throws of angst and felt like I couldn’t see clearly. The last thing I wanted to hear was, “Look at the patterns and figure out when and how this has happened before so that you can clear it out.” When you are emotionally upset, it can be very hard to ground, get calm, to perceive truth, and do the healing clearing work necessary to transform your life. In order to heal what is unbalanced, you may begin with a mental process of looking at the past, but really the resolve to create change for the future is where the healing occurs.

There may be events in our lives in which we felt powerless to create the experiences that would bring us to a place of happiness. Because of our pain, we could not connect with our power center. Even after we physically moved on, we may have forgotten to reconnect with our power center around those situations. When we do a life review, we have the opportunity to look at past events in which we may have felt disempowered, and create the healing shift that will allow us to reclaim our centeredness and feel our powerful essence.

A life review can be conducted in a number of ways. My favorite ways are either via journaling or active meditation with Reiki. Your guide for this work is Archangel Jeremiel. Jeremiel is a healing angel, often appearing in a ray of eggplant purple. He specializes in helping us to release negative emotions, to let go of situations that may have been beneficial or pleasurable but no longer serve our highest good, and to see truth unfettered by our own ego as we review the past. First, ask your self if you are struggling with a current issue. Take a mental review of the issue at hand. Are you acting from a place of love, or a place of fear? Are you being proactive, or are you simply responding to stimuli from other people?

Once you feel clear about these questions, ask yourself: When have I acted or felt similarly in my past? What situations from my past may have triggered these same feelings in my present?

For example if you struggle with being late all of the time, try to remember the very first time you were late for something. Look at the circumstances that cause your lateness. Look at your feelings.  And then go deeper. What is the root cause for this lateness?

We all heal in different ways. You may find it easiest to journal your thoughts as a way of uncovering your root cause. You may find it easiest to do a transcendental meditation, shamanic journey, or to sit quietly and ask the angels via your intuitive channel. Take a route that is most comfortable and enticing for you.

Now ask Jeremiel to help you heal these root experiences and memories. See if you can identify in your body where these old stories are being held, and send Reiki or white light to flush out those stories and welcome in a new way of being.

Resolve to make physical changes: What is one thing you can do to physically change the old pattern and support your happiness around this issue?

Resolve to make intellectual changes: How can you shift your perspective so that you step out of suffering, and remember the new empowering perspective? Answers may include writing new affirmations, reading books, seeing a therapist, making a vision board, or purchasing something visual that triggers your memory of this new way of seeing.

Resolve to make emotional changes: Release the emotional body memories that don’t serve you, either through self-Reiki, meditation, or trance/journey work. Sit with the emotions that are still left and explore them thoroughly so you have a better understanding of how you are being impacted.

Resolve to make spiritual changes: We are constantly evolving spiritually. What spiritual wisdom might inform the issue at hand? Get clear about where you receive your spiritual wisdom. You may do this through church, community events, through quiet intuitive insights, or through a vigorous hike in the mountains. We all have different ways of connecting with spirit, so check in with the truth that is there.

Life Reviews don’t have to be this detailed. They can be a simple 5 minute meditation. Many times when this card is pulled, people aren’t certain what they are supposed to be reviewing. They don't understand what their current struggle has to do with their past and don't see an immediate correlation. That’s okay too. In that case, the best thing you can do is to open yourself up to being as present as possible in your life, and looking at the causes you are currently making toward your happiness. Ask yourself,  Is there anything I am currently doing that may be inadvertently sabotaging my happiness? 

I’ll leave you with this message from Archangel Jeremiel (via Doreen Virtue): “It takes courage to look at your life. Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I`ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at what you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”

Call on Jeremiel to help shed some light. If you are really struggling and need human helping hands, call me to schedule a Reiki with Wisdom healing session, where we will check in with your higher self, guides, and guardians to help facilitate the energy work of healing.



PS: Do you have a favorite way you like to conduct a life review? Or a favorite resource? Please share for others to enjoy, below! :-) 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Angel Oracle: Prosperity

Dailey's Thoughts:  Angel Oracle of Prosperity

The card for this week is Prosperity, from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle. I particularly love the green and gold motif of the art, and the swirling cornucopia. I’m reminded of how our green, fertile heart chakra can draw into our lives sincerely good riches of all kinds. Look-- she has stars in her horn. Remember that all of your dreams can be yours if you are willing to give and receive, grounded in the wisdom and power of your heart.

The Affirmation:
“Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”

This comes from Archangel Ariel, who specializes in the manifestation of all that you need, in line with your higher will. If you enjoy working with angels, you can call upon Ariel to help you with whatever you are trying to manifest.

Carry or work with a Rose Quartz this week to help anchor you in a soft, fearless form of love.

Ariel’s message (via Doreen) says, “I am pouring a cornucopia of prosperity upon you and your life, and ask that you open your arms to receive. Some of the treasures will come in the form of brilliant ideas, and some will come as opportunities. We’ll work together to realize your highest dreams, and I ask that you give any worries to me. God and I love you very much, and are happy to help you in this way. We know that you’ll pass along the goodness to others as well.”

Often this card is a reminder that we need to remain open to the prosperity that is waiting for us. How would your week be different if you believed, in your core, that the universe is conspiring to bring you everything that you need? What changes must you make in order to be receptive to the actualization of your dreams?

It is easy for us to forget we are in a flow of abundance. We may want a new job, but then we don’t tell anyone we’re looking, so others don’t know to mention the new job they just heard about that might be perfect for you. Or we become frustrated with our loved ones--or lack thereof!--and yet we do not take the steps needed to open dialogue around these issues with others. Being willing to Receive prosperity is about making space to welcome it, and that “making space” is sometimes an active pursuit.

Here’s a final question to ponder for your week:
What 3 things can you do to make more space for prosperity (or for your dreams to come true) in your life?

I would really love to hear your responses, so if you have time, please comment below!

Also if you have tips for me and others about how you receive and generate prosperity, please share them below.

Have a Blessed Week!


Monday, July 8, 2013

Just the Right Time

I like to go out on my balcony and do yoga. When I lift my chin from the wooden planks I see the mountain ridges and the soft light of morning. At sunset, new colors appear in the sky that I never thought possible: the dusky rose of romance, the color of youthful faces flushed in desire somehow cutting through the faded blue of early evening. It is a good place to be inside of my nature.

Some days I don’t want to do yoga. I tell myself I don’t have time. Some months, I never get out there, or my regular routine becomes five minutes of quiet breath at my kitchen counter. I argue with myself about not having enough time, or wanting to use my time in other ways, or being too late to get it done for the day.

Other times, I know yoga is not optional if I want to keep a channel of communication open with my body. In my youth I danced. I'd spend five to six hours a day stretching, moving, or expressing flights of fancy through my body. With the birth of a child stretching me in new ways, the relationship with my body shifted yet again. To keep a relationship with my body I had to be willing to put aside time. I tried to regulate it like a drill sergeant, forcing myself up and out of the house whenever moments presented themselves. All relationships must grow and change, or they die.

I want to push the edges comfort and keep stretching the possibilities for what my body will look & feel like when rubbing up against my soul in my late 90s. I want to be like these sisters I saw in a magazine once, both older than 100 and still jogging every morning, with healthy skin and strong limbs. I’m not actually a jogger, but it helps me keep the perspective that body relationships--like all relationships--deteriorate unless we tend them daily with love and awareness. We don’t always have to do a lot, but we must be present with ourselves.

This morning I was three hours late getting out my front door for yoga.

“Just take a shower and do something later!” my inner voice said.

I resisted, reminding myself that great journeys begin with one step. I felt bad. I felt late.  I stepped outside and raised my arms in sun salutation. The sun was no longer just above the horizon, and the sense of early morning was giving way to midday. But my eyes stopped in surprise on visitors that have never before creeped around to the front of our highly trafficked front yard: deer.

The baby had spots just like Bambi! I held my breath for a stunned instant, then felt an upwelling of deep appreciation for the gifts of nature. How thankful I was for stepping outside. There is no such thing as late, I thought to myself. Lateness is an illusion. I was here just in time. It is always just in time.

I signaled my son, who came out to watch as the doe and fawn munched on fresh leaves in the the daylight. They looked up at us, the doe watching for signs of danger, and keeping its young close. Birds twittered. Time felt suspended.

I honored the sweetness of mother and child on the balcony, and the deer family just below. We were in communion with nature, all eyes locked in curiosity. I marveled at their grace and courage to come here, where cars slide in and out and people could emerge from any door. But I also sensed what they sensed; the grace of the emerging day. I breathed, watched my entranced son with joy, and continued to stretch my limbs.

Eventually the doe decided we were too close for comfort, and she struck out across the black pavement parking lot like a comedy character trying to creep away unnoticed. The fawn followed, hiding behind her flank, and they disappeared into the green across the way.

I did a spinal twist. We humans make goals, plans, time things, work within parameters, boundaries, promises, and decisions. We are easily hurt when things don’t go as planned according to our mind. Nature has a different timing.  We forget that simple attention can make the difference between life and death, growth and decay, and that this simple attention is more important than our imposed deadlines and projected beliefs. Time is all relative, I mused, sliding deeply into my own body, turning my attention inward, and disappearing into my own green.
Image: Faun and Mother from Wikimedia Commons copyright Author: Guillom