Monday, March 16, 2015

Soul Journeys

Yesterday I pulled one of Cheryl Richardson’s “Self-Care” cards as a sort of oracle read for April. What came up was ACTION, with the sub header, “the journey to find your lost self begins with one step.”

I like the concept of action creating wholeness with our parts. In Mexican healing tradition there is this idea that when you go through particularly stressful experiences, or events that shock your core, you may actually lose little pieces of your soul. They fracture like chards of glass, and sometimes we forget to pick them up.

I’ve seen this in the office with various clients. Whether it is childhood trauma, a car crash, a suicide attempt, or the loss of a love, these events are life changers and they require us to allow time for real healing. That healing process may include an internal scan wherein we ask ourselves questions like, “Am I still here? Did that really happen? What actually happened? How do I recover?”

This isn’t always an intellectual process. We’re all such different people. Some people process by jogging a few miles each day and letting the story move through their bodies as their mind seeks a higher perspective. Other people cry on the couch with a pint of ice cream, releasing emotional hurt and anger until they are calm like the sky after a rainstorm. Either way, time has to be allowed for us to look at the landscape and “pick up the pieces.”

It’s a funny term, “pick up the pieces.” Pieces of what? Of our hearts, and more importantly, the chards of self that have fractured in these soul-loss life collisions. So many of our colloquialisms, or the sayings we’ve amassed in culture, speak directly to the metaphysical processes that are happening for all of us. You don’t have to be a shaman to know that picking up the pieces and moving on is important. Intuitively, we all find ways to do this for ourselves all the time, and when we get stuck, we look for someone to help, whether it’s a loved one, healing practitioner, a doctor, a psychotherapist, or just the right friend.

I don’t believe that action always originates from a place of sensing traumatic loss and needing to “pick up the pieces.” However, there is a sense of missing, otherwise we would have no need for action.  On a hot summer day maybe it’s the frozen watermelon in the fridge that inspires us to get up off of the porch. In a dark winter, maybe it’s the desire for something new because we love our lives but we’re bored with how it has always been. We may remember elements of who we were in times past and seek reunion with that in order to better understand who we’ve become.

The need for action stretches through us, stirring our blood. We sense that there is more for us in the world; there is a new relationship to be forged, or a better playground to romp through. When we take action from the deeper stirring, it is often divinely led.

My mother asked me this weekend, “What is soul retrieval?”

“I don’t know,” I demurred, even though this is a question I answer several times a month. “It’s when a part of you has gotten stuck in the past and you need to either send it to the light so you can move on, or gather your power back so you can gain clarity moving forward. Some healers help do that through prayer, Reiki, shamanic journey, or ceremony. It’s good stuff.”

Indeed it is. I don’t know what kind of action April will hold. There are the things we plan, and then the great mysteries that unfold, sparking journeys we never could have imagined.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reiki for Spiritual Support

Reiki for Spiritual Support

For some, Reiki is an energetic healing modality while for others it is a spiritual pathway. When I was first Reiki attuned, I thought of it as another modality to notch into my belt. Over time, Reiki has shown up again and again as a spiritual ally in my work, whether that work is in my office, or the work of being a mother, or even the more mundane work of running errands and cleaning my car.

This week my young son fell ill while we were in San Francisco and there was an interpretative question in the medical office about our insurance policy. I knew that ultimately whether my son would receive medical the care he needed would be based on the whim of the doctor. It doesn't matter that I am psychic, a masterful magician, and pretty smart; as a fiercely protective mother, I felt fear for my son, and my own helplessness in the situation. I knew my son's pain was a natural course. Sometimes there is illness we can't "Reiki away." Sometimes as humans our bodies must go through certain experiences. What was truly the best thing? What could I do other than wait?

At that moment, looking out at the busy street below and listening to the agonizing cries of my son as we waited, I remembered the gift of Reiki.

I used the third symbol to open a Reiki portal above the medical building. Using my hands and my intention, I welcomed Reiki down first through me to clear my fear, praying silently:

May I please connect with universal life force, and in doing so, remember that all things happen in perfect harmony. Let me see the beauty of the outcome no matter what it is, and be assured that all happens in Love.

As I welcomed the Reiki through me, holding this internal prayer, I felt a calmness spread throughout my body. In that moment I remembered that as mama, I really set the tone for my son's sense of well-being and happiness no matter the circumstances. Feeling my own peace and strength, I suddenly had more clarity and was able to focus on the things I could do, rather than worrying about the things I couldn't control.

I next welcomed Reiki down in a large swath of light, envisioning it melding with everything in the building. In my third eye I could see the doctors and administrators talking about us, but I purposely let go of my psychic cognition, choosing instead to hold the neutral energy of Reiki. In not forcing my own agenda, I was able to open myself up to the best outcome.

Seeing the light flow everywhere, including into the fields of other patients in the ward, I prayed silently:

May this facility receive the blessings of Reiki life force energy. May Reiki bless all of those in need of it who give their permission on a soul level to receive Reiki. May Reiki transmute all ego, fear, and  fatigue in this medical building that is not in alignment with the highest good, so that all beings benefit in alignment with their life purposes and contracts.  May the gift of Reiki (universal life force energy) cleanse and balance all within, for the highest good of all.

In that moment I felt the Reiki working, much as I do in the Reiki Shares. In my inner eye, I could see people who chose not to receive, as well as Reiki being absorbed by those who did. More importantly, I felt a shift in the environment around me, a lightness of being. I felt old vibrations of illness in the space also being released.

There are, of course, ethical questions about Reiki-ing a whole medical facility. Who am I to do so? It's like a millionaire choosing to throw a million dollars on a crowd; does it help, or does it create more chaos?  The ethical questions are ones we must always ask ourselves and dialogue about. What is in our highest good? Where do ego, intention, and love intersect?

Meanwhile, things resolved well for my son that day. The staff actually went above and beyond, not only with us, but there was more connection and heart-sharing happening between co-workers than I've ever seen at that particular place. I left with my son feeling blessed, and also feeling a renewed appreciation for how Reiki, as an energy, lends itself to support in all manner of ways.

Here are a few tips I compiled.


#1 Use the third symbol to open a portal that welcomes Reiki into a space, not just into the physical body. (3rd Symbol is taught at Reiki II)

#2 Welcome Reiki into your centerline and chakras, and especially into the auric space around the head, in order to clear and open receptors to your spiritual authority.

#3 Combine Reiki with prayer and affirmations in order to shift mindset, moving away from fear-based decisions and moving more deeply into your heart center.

For more, sign up for a Reiki Class with me and begin working actively with the energy! For those of you already attuned, do you have special ways in which you work with Reiki for spiritual support?


Sunday, February 8, 2015

February's Reiki Share Update

February Blessings,

It's a rainy Sunday morning and I'm listening to the water make songs on my roof. I'm writing this in my comfy nighties curled up in bed. This is how the great Edith Wharton used to write, and I think she was brilliant for that among other things. Here is the post I put on facebook about yesterday's Reiki Share:

The Share yesterday was great! There were 18 of us and three tables packed like sardines into the office. They don't fit as well with the new plant and shoe rack, but they DO fit, lol. The flow of Reiki is always so powerful, and yet I notice that when the shares are above 9 or 10 people, the focus (for me as a space-holder) always seems to be more about the practitioner healing lessons than the juicy receipt of Reiki energy.  

The miracles are still there! Two different people told me yesterday they came with pain and then it was gone. I like those stories.  But with that many people in a small space, we are learning more about grounding energy, maintaining boundaries, learning what energy feels like, learning to communicate about energy, learning to pace ourselves and take breaks, learning to do what feels centering for our bodies in the moment, not just plug through it all, and it's a lot of fun. 

I am continually thrilled by the kindness and insight of the participants. It is also inspiring to see people hone their skills over time. Those who have come more than 4 or 5 times and challenge areas that are foggy for them are noticeably more savvy in running energy and maintaining healthy practitioner boundaries. 

This time I spent more time socializing rather than laying on of hands, but it felt good to catch up with people, hear how they've been, answer questions, and help keep the energy vortex of the room grounded through the healing process. 

Edith Wharton
Something I really love about the Reiki Shares are the community announcements at the end. I enjoy listening to people rack their brains for what's happening out in the world. It seems important to remember that our little bubbles of Reiki are not isolated. Our work, by its nature, is connected into the world around us, and we will be doubly blessed if we remember to open our eyes and look around, sharing and receiving energy with our greater communities with the same trust that we do in REIKIShare space.

Some years everything is nicely lined up in regards to HHR. I know where the ship is going, so to speak. This year I am enjoying a return to the Deep Mystery. I'm aware that as I am writing programs and developing ideas, putting out fires, and bringing in supportive resources, that these creative drops of mine are just that-- drops in a vast ocean that is mighty dark in some places.

Carlos Castaneda speaks about understanding which mysteries to tackle. This year I'm feeling the beauty of staying connected to my own creative energy and not trying too hard with my stubborn capricorn brain to understand all of the myseries of the universe. The more I weave a strong web of love, trust, and joy in my immediate sphere, the more those nebulous parts of myself that are still in the dark will reveal themselves.

The energy of this share was a reminder that we all have mysteries we are ready for, and mysteries that may be great but really aren't our work at this time. We will always know when faced with mysteries, internal choices, and external opportunities, which one is the right one for us at this time, as long as we listen to our inner knowing. The best healing practitioners, medicine men and wise women help us to illuminate those choices by clearing our inner sight, not by making those decisions for us. Everytime we do a Reiki Share I am reminded, by the Reiki, of the importance of this inner illumination we can all access and maintain. Know thyself.

May your February be blessed,

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays

Winter Blessings,
We are just a few days away from Christmas. Here in my home we have a very small tree, and we are quietly unwinding from the year. I have all sorts of metaphysical exercises I do at year's end, but tonight isn't quite the moment to share all of that with you.

I hope these last few weeks of December are nourishing for you. The year promises to bring more ease and a satisfying coming-together of everything you've been processing and confronting this year.

In the office, we have a few events coming up, which I will post more about in the coming weeks. One is The Isis Meditations. We'll be doing that at 9am every saturday morning for 50 minutes. I am only hosting The Isis Meditations until March 21st. I will post more information about them by January 1. If you already know you are coming, you can sign up under classes through schedulicity.

The Red Tent is also not gone-- it is being revamped to be of better service to both myself and our community. Look for changes on that front at the end of January.

Also, mark February 1st in your calendar if you enjoy sunshine and ceremony. I will be hosting a Sun Circle/Candlemas ceremony for all of the incredible men and women I meet at HHR who have, together, forged the energy of our community. If you're wondering if I'm talking about you, then I probably am, lol.

. . . And the MERMAIDS are coming . . . but that's another story altogether.

This is just a quick update. If you have questions about the office, or comments, or something you'd really like to see/experience with me in community for 2015, please leave a comment below.

blessed be,

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Spirit

I grew up in a fairly traditional family in which we gathered for thanksgiving each year, saying prayers of thanks with fingers entwined. For us, Thanksgiving was a time of gathering the tribe, of being thankful no matter what, and of celebrating the rich heritage of family recipes and ways of nourishing in our lineage. 

Friends without a home to go to have been welcome at our table. Over the years and through my travels, I have sometimes been that person without family nearby. Other thanksgivings, I have been asked to "choose" between families. I have spent some thanksgiving days zooming from house to house, trying to make it work. I have been ill on thanksgiving, and I have also been the one holding and comforting others.

I have been filled for longing for all that is not on the table. And I have, on some occasions, looked around and felt the loss of people who had died, or could not be present, or whom I had chosen not to invite for some reason or other.

It only took me about 20 years to figure out that the format for celebrating one day--and not even the traditional harvest day--just doesn't work for me. As my family has grown, shrunk, and grown in new ways, I have been forced to question what family really is, how we gather, when, and why. I have seen so many family members get stressed about not being able to make "that moment" happen on thanksgiving.

In fact, it is not about the moment, but if there is already love and community present within our family dynamic that year, then that celebratory day becomes a crowning glory of that achievement. If the bonds of communication and support are there, then that one day is most definitely joyful and memorable . . .but then it also doesn't make much difference in the family dynamic over the long term, because the gathering has already become a way of life. Thus, stressing over making "that day" happen in some preconceived way is actually counter-productive and counter-intuitive.

In the Ancient Egyptian calendar there are so many "holy days" that one could virtually celebrate something every day. I love bringing this approach to the values for our own family thanksgiving. I have been trying to think of every day this November as Thanksgiving. What a change! I have used the opportunity to look more closely at how I relate to my family, and to review my prioritization of values.

This year I am doing a very small dinner in my home, but I hope to reach out to as many family members as possible over the next few weeks to share stories, listen to madness, and keep alive the breath of our relationships. Some of my dearest ones who are very far away, or with whom I have fallen out of contact and can not reach, I will send my love through prayer.

Each day we live is holy. Each day is a holiday. Any holiday can become a stress point if we become so caught up in the pageantry that we forget the core spirit of what we are celebrating. Every family has a different set of values for what this holiday means.

I feel myself returning to the spirit of listening and connection. I feel clumsy and embarassed saying so, because I am so aware of the many ways I could be so much better at listening and connecting to my family. I try not to judge myself. I try to just observe it with my breath, and wade into the waters of healing and transformation around those themes of listening and connecting.

This Thanksgiving, I will not cook every food in the family cookbook. I will feel
very fortunate if I am able to cook one dish and share it in the spirit of deep gratitude for the many hands who have made this food before me, and the many hearts gathering to eat together. For me, this is the embodiment of listening and connection, not only to myself and my loved ones, but to the host of ancestors and the earth's bounty on which I stand. I am so thankful for these blessings.

healing & love,

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Annual Open House Coming Up ! Dec 6th

Step into the world of energy healing. Get sneak preview of and signup incentives for 2015 classes, sessions & events with Dailey, Christy Persinger, & Jennfer Webb. 
Shop enlightened children's books & crystals. Explore the debut line of Apothecary Soaps & Lotions with Trish Pettitt of Skin Addiction. 
Learn about Theraputic Massage with Stacey Murray.
Enjoy something custom at the Flower Essence Bar. 
Stay for the Raffle and a chance to win BIG! lol Happy Holidays :-)

Friday, November 14, 2014


. . . The truth as to why you may be throwing away gifts the universe is sending you. If you are a lightworker, earthworker, or called to healing, this message might be particularly relevant. . .


We are a lot more like plants than we think. When a plant is in the earth, it needs some unique level of water and nutrients in order to survive. It may receive water from deep in the earth, stretching roots low and thriving even in arid dry places. It may receive water from the melodious patter of heavenly rains. Either way, it needs water for fluid, supple life.

We, too, need water, and like the plants, we can learn to exist with small amounts, if consistent, though we may not blossom and thrive in the same way. Our water requirement also includes the more abstract concept of pure life force. Life force flows into us the same way water flows into plants. We need energy, and like plants, we can make energy out of physical matter, but in a toxic environment that won’t matter. Even plants need a relatively healthy energetic environment, or they will die. So we need water, and the pure life force embodied in water.

In Ancient Egypt the transmission of life force was shown on temple walls as deity sending waves of energy to people through their hands, much like water or rays of the sun comes down from the sky. Today, we can nourish ourselves with life force by taking deep care of ourselves. We can honor the needs of our spirit with real action. We also naturally nourish ourselves by simply being still and quiet on the earth.

When the earth is in severe drought, it begins to crack and split. The plants will hold on for as long as they can, but eventually they die.  It can be difficult to tell from the outside when a plant is too far gone to receive nourishing water. Some plants can come back from the brink of death.

Potted plants need more care than others because they are displaced from the earth. They will get colder, dry out faster, and struggle with illness far easier if pot-bound. Likewise, the farther we humans displace ourselves from forest, river, and the womb and belly of earth’s resources, the more care we need in making sure we are receiving what truly nourishes our whole being.

When we choose to live as a part of an artificial society, inside of boxes raised off of the earth, eating food that has been inside of metal vehicles and in low temperature storage for 9 or 10 months, we are choosing to be like the potted plants. For many of us in California, this is the lifestyle today.

Because of this, our society has created “fancy pots.” We feel comfortable. Our minds are led into a false sense of well-being, even though we have been displaced from our natural vital source (earth-based living). Just as some potted plants, we have become pot-bound and many of us would not know how to return to living directly on the land and eating from our surroundings. It doesn’t fit who we have become, and that is okay.

However, like the potted plants, our quotient of real care, of real vital force, of real nutrition, of real rest, of real oxygenation, must be very high in order to thrive. We may need even more light, or more warmth.  Most of us get less.

Furthermore, If you are a healing practitioner, an intuitive, a sage, or a mystic, the transmission and receipt of your wisdom comes through etheric channels. If you feel this work, the sharing of wisdom, to be your life work, you can not abdicate self nourishment. You must absolutely learn to take good care of your body, mind and spirit until you feel like a lush garden. Do you know why?

Have you ever tried watering a half-dead plant in a dried out pot? A half dead plant will not receive 90% of the water that gets poured upon it. When the soil of potted plants has become dry beyond reparation, it will not take water the first, second, or even third watering. It needs a flood, and lots of time in order to receive the gift.

Likewise, if you are reading this, the likelihood is that you are a potted plant (to some degree). If you have taken it as your life calling to be a voice hearer, or one who preaches spirit on behalf of your community, you will be foregoing 90% of your message if you haven’t taken care of yourself. That’s like tearing a letter in half before you read it!

Your internal and external lives are intimately entwined. They inform one another. Look at the decisions you are making on a daily basis for:
* rest
* nourishment
* physical well-being
* spiritual freedom
* emotional stability
* intellectual peace

All of these decisions are creating your metaphorical flower pot. If you are very quiet and listen within, you know what is necessary for your well-being. Can you imagine your flower pot? Are you catering to it?

Meditation Question: How are you currently keeping yourself as nourished as possible, in order to receive all of the gifts that the universe has to offer?  If you could change one thing you are doing, today, what would it be?

loving blessings,