Sunday, February 8, 2015

February's Reiki Share Update

February Blessings,

It's a rainy Sunday morning and I'm listening to the water make songs on my roof. I'm writing this in my comfy nighties curled up in bed. This is how the great Edith Wharton used to write, and I think she was brilliant for that among other things. Here is the post I put on facebook about yesterday's Reiki Share:

The Share yesterday was great! There were 18 of us and three tables packed like sardines into the office. They don't fit as well with the new plant and shoe rack, but they DO fit, lol. The flow of Reiki is always so powerful, and yet I notice that when the shares are above 9 or 10 people, the focus (for me as a space-holder) always seems to be more about the practitioner healing lessons than the juicy receipt of Reiki energy.  

The miracles are still there! Two different people told me yesterday they came with pain and then it was gone. I like those stories.  But with that many people in a small space, we are learning more about grounding energy, maintaining boundaries, learning what energy feels like, learning to communicate about energy, learning to pace ourselves and take breaks, learning to do what feels centering for our bodies in the moment, not just plug through it all, and it's a lot of fun. 

I am continually thrilled by the kindness and insight of the participants. It is also inspiring to see people hone their skills over time. Those who have come more than 4 or 5 times and challenge areas that are foggy for them are noticeably more savvy in running energy and maintaining healthy practitioner boundaries. 

This time I spent more time socializing rather than laying on of hands, but it felt good to catch up with people, hear how they've been, answer questions, and help keep the energy vortex of the room grounded through the healing process. 

Edith Wharton
Something I really love about the Reiki Shares are the community announcements at the end. I enjoy listening to people rack their brains for what's happening out in the world. It seems important to remember that our little bubbles of Reiki are not isolated. Our work, by its nature, is connected into the world around us, and we will be doubly blessed if we remember to open our eyes and look around, sharing and receiving energy with our greater communities with the same trust that we do in REIKIShare space.

Some years everything is nicely lined up in regards to HHR. I know where the ship is going, so to speak. This year I am enjoying a return to the Deep Mystery. I'm aware that as I am writing programs and developing ideas, putting out fires, and bringing in supportive resources, that these creative drops of mine are just that-- drops in a vast ocean that is mighty dark in some places.

Carlos Castaneda speaks about understanding which mysteries to tackle. This year I'm feeling the beauty of staying connected to my own creative energy and not trying too hard with my stubborn capricorn brain to understand all of the myseries of the universe. The more I weave a strong web of love, trust, and joy in my immediate sphere, the more those nebulous parts of myself that are still in the dark will reveal themselves.

The energy of this share was a reminder that we all have mysteries we are ready for, and mysteries that may be great but really aren't our work at this time. We will always know when faced with mysteries, internal choices, and external opportunities, which one is the right one for us at this time, as long as we listen to our inner knowing. The best healing practitioners, medicine men and wise women help us to illuminate those choices by clearing our inner sight, not by making those decisions for us. Everytime we do a Reiki Share I am reminded, by the Reiki, of the importance of this inner illumination we can all access and maintain. Know thyself.

May your February be blessed,

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